BSA Troop 270 recently completed our annual Christmas Tree Pickup fundraising campaign. Thanks to the generosity of our Newtown and Sandy Hook neighbors, our scouts received gross donations of over $5500. Scouts picked up 293 over the first three weekends of 2025, running 20 routes throughout town. The funds raised go directly to our scouts where they can choose to use their portion to fund trips to summer camp or High Adventure treks.
These trees serve an important role in convservation in our town. A large portion of the trees were donated to the Candlewood Valley Trout Unlimited organization, to use in service of river bank conservation. This has been an ongoing partnership, and in prior years several of our scouts and leaders have participated in lining the riverbanks in town with these trees. The balance of the trees were delivered to the Newtown Transfer Station, and will be composted.
We could not complete this fundraiser without the hard work of leaders, parents, and our partners. This year, we had 8 adults step up to drive the routes, using pickups and trailers to transport the trees. As noted, thanks go to the CVTU and the Public Works department. Special thanks go to Associated Refuse, our long term partner, who generously donates dumpsters where some of the trees are temporarily stored before their crew also delivers them to the Transfer Station.
This campaign continues to grow and evolve but most importantly it demonstrates the commitment of Scouting and our troop to serving our community while also conserving our natural resources.