We are approaching the second weekend of our Annual Christmas Tree Pickup campaign. In our first weekend, we provided over 120 trees to Candlewood Valley Trout Unlimited to support their “Trees for Trout” collection event. Per Neil Baldino, VP of CVTU, "It is dedicated support from your troop that makes it possible for our organization to successfully meet their mission of protecting local waterways, restoring important trout habitats, connecting vital ecosystems and educating our community."
Our campaign not only supports CVTU's ecological program but also directly supports our scouts. The funds raised by our scouts are used to subsidize scouting events such as summer camp, leadership training, and high adventure trips.
Thanks to the generous support of our community, this year has already been a record year. As of this post, we have already set a record for total tree orders and revenue. And the orders keep coming in.
Thank you to the residents of Newtown and Sandy Hook for their generosity. And thank you to our partners who make this event possible including Fred Hurley, his staff at the Transfer Station, as well as Pat Caruso and his team from Associated Refuse.
Check out the Newtown Bee article (thank you to Shannon and the Bee staff for promoting our event).
If you know of anyone who needs a tree pickup, please share the link to our site page: https://www.troop270newtownct.org/xmastreepickup.
Yours in Scouting,
Alan Blatter
ASM, Troop 270