*UPDATED - Videos added below
Wednesday was all about moisture, the humidity with a reprieve from the heat at the waterfront, and culminating in the Firehose Competition at which one of our Troop 270 teams (Spider Monkeys) placed in 3rd Place. Scroll through the pictures below to see the day's activities. Some highlights include:
Kayaking Merit Badge with Sandor, Fintan, and Kevin
Leatherworking MB with Henry, Sandor, Cameron, and Tristan (plus George!)
Environmental Science with Logan, Sam, and Sebastian
Geology with Ben, Cameron, Ethan, Simon, Liam, and Tristan
Dog, the 22 year old Tortoise who resides in Sequassen over the summer
Small Boat Saling with Henry, Ben, Liam, Simon, and EthanS
Our sharpshooter Ben at the Rifle Range
The Firehose Competition with our 3rd Place "270B" team of the Spider Monkeys
Morning Flag Raising (Leo):
Morning Roll Call:
Morning Flag Raising with Henry's Trumpet Revellie:
Kayack Merit Badge (Sandor, Fintan, Kevin):
Dog, the 22 Year Old Tortoise, eating brunch:
Small Boat Sailing Merit Badge (Henry, Liam, Ethan):
Evening Roll Call: